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Organizing Committee

Prof. Gerardo Perozziello

Prof. Donatella Malanga

Prof. Patrizio Candeloro

Dr. Elvira Parrotta

Dr. Illya Klyusko

Dr. Giovanni Quattrone

Meet The Organizers of the 2024 Summer School on Microfluidics
(work in progress)


Gerardo Perozziello

Brief CV

Gerardo Perozziello is Associate Professor of Applied Physics in the Department of Experimental and Clinical Medicine of the University -Magna Graecia- of Catanzaro (UMG). He got a PhD in micro and nanotechnology in 2006 from the Technical University of Denmark and a master degree in mechanical engineering with biomedical orientation in 2002 from the University of Calabria. His research activities deal with the design and implementation of microbioreactors for cell screening and processing, microfluidic devices for pretreatment of samples, cell sorting, analysis of cells, DNA and proteins, development and integration of "label free" nanosensors in microfluidic devices for analysis of biological samples; study of biomaterials and technologies for the development of 3D scaffolds used to better understand and improve cell growth and cell-cell interactions and in tissue engineering.


Illya Klyusko

Brief CV

Illya Klyusko is a PhD student in Artificial Intelligence, Biomedical and Information Engineering at the Department of Experimental and Clinical Medicine at "Magna Graecia" University of Catanzaro. He's got a MSc in Biomedical Engineering in 2023 at the University of Catanzaro. His PhD research activities take place in the field in Applied Physics with focus on the design, fabbrication and testing of microfluidic devices for cell cultures and in-vivo Raman spectroscopy measurements.


Donatella Malanga

Brief CV

Donatella Malanga is Associate Professor of General Pathology and member of University Magna Grecia board of directors in the Department of Experimental and Clinical Medicine. Currently her research and teaching activities take place in the field of human pathology, with focus on the Molecular Oncology in solid tumor. Her work also focuses on Next Generation Sequencing applied to Oncology.


Patrizio Candeloro

Brief CV

Prof. Dr. Patrizio Candeloro graduated in Physics and is currently an Associate Professor at the University of Catanzaro. He is local responsible of BioNEM laboratories aimed to nanotecnology for biomedical applications. Main research lines are: application of micro-Raman spectroscopy to biochemistry; integration of plasmonic nanostructures in microfluidic devices for new concepts in biosensing; optimization of supehydrophobic substrates as concentrating devices for highly diluted solutions. His main technical-scientific skills are nanofabrication, spectroscopic techniques such as Raman and many of its variants (e.g. SERS); data analysis through multivariate techniques such as PCA, CA, ICA; microscopy, optical and electronic; microinjection techniques of cells.

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